The heart-breaking story of one little boy shows the devastating, long-term effects of birth injuries. The three-year-old suffered a birth injury from oxygen deprivation during the delivery process, which resulted in permanent brain damage. He was in the hospital for four months before his parents were able to bring him home.
The toddler now requires medical care and attention 24 hours a day. He is constantly hooked up to monitors, a feeding pump and a ventilator. Around 30 times per day, his airways must be suctioned to keep them clear. He cannot move, talk or feed himself as a result of the birth injury.
The boy’s life has been filled with emergency room trips and doctor appointments. His family remains positive, although the toddler is likely to remain in this state for the rest of his life. Family members and friends are currently organizing a fundraiser to raise money for much needed medical equipment, including a handicapped-equipped van.
This heartbreaking story shows the serious and life-altering consequences of birth injuries. Unfortunately, many birth injuries result in permanent disabilities that require life-long medical care. Along with taking an emotional toll on family members, this treatment can be extremely costly. For these reasons, Eugene residents need to be aware of their legal rights in these types of situations. If a birth injury was caused by the negligence of a doctor or hospital staff, a medical malpractice claim may be filed against the responsible parties. Although no amount of money can fix the permanent disabilities often caused by birth injuries, a claim can help recover compensation for things such as medical bills and ongoing treatment.
Source: The Elk Valley Times, “Family appreciative of help, but still face many struggles,” Laurie Pearson, Feb. 11, 2013