Losing a child is devastating and can cause trauma to surviving parents. Unfortunately, before some parents can even hold their children, they lose them at the hands of a negligent medical practitioner. This event causes economic and noneconomic damages, and it is...
Dedicated To Protecting What Matters Most
Wrongful Death
Failure to diagnose can lead to a lawsuit
We rely on physicians to provide a standard of care that begins with the initial hospital visit and the resulting diagnosis. However, physicians are only human, and humans make mistakes, including misdiagnoses. Once the misdiagnosis results in no treatment, delayed...
Does Oregon allow punitive damage awards in wrongful death cases?
Medicine is not an exact science. There are risks that go along with any procedure and not all treatments can be guaranteed to deliver the expected or desired results. But that does not mean that individuals who place themselves in the hands of a licensed health care...
Suit over delayed defibrillator use seeks $4.2 million
Have you ever had a battery-operated tool that gets finicky? The last time you used it, it was fine. You check the battery. Make sure it's installed in the device right. Hit the thing a few times with the heel of your hand. For some reason it refuses to work. Maybe...
What is Oregon law on filing a wrongful death action?
How many times have you found yourself saying, "There oughta be a law." It typically surfaces when you are faced with some frustrating situation that you feel should never happen, but does. The thing is there often are laws for such issues. But the situations they...
Deadly Ebola lessons include value of electronic health records
As deadly as Ebola is, it's not surprising that it took on the mantle as the biggest health scare in recent medical history. What may be more interesting is how relatively quickly it receded into the background. You barely hear any news about it at all here in Oregon...
Are Oregon hospitals doing enough to stop deadly infections?
It seems as if we go no more than a couple of weeks without hearing about how dangerous it can be to go to the hospital. Last October, we posted a blog entry about the different kinds of infections patients can be exposed to while being treated. The next month,...
You need experience after a medical malpractice fatality
Oregon residents see doctors quite frequently for everything from a flu shot to a broken bone, the birth of a baby to a routine physical. In these cases, people are relying on the expertise of the physician to assess their situation and protect their health. In...
When can a family bring a wrongful death suit?
The sudden death of a loved one can be a big shock for a family. Families can be left with deep emotional turmoil and completely unable to see past their pain. In these situations, families may wonder if it is possible to hold someone responsible for the death...
Doctor negligent in treatment of woman
Life is precious and can easily be lost. Injuries, disease and other medical ailments can quickly make a person's life very difficult. Oregon's doctors are often trusted to fix these issues and get people back in good health. In some cases it might not be...