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Federal lawsuit filed by inmate who suffered stillbirth

Most expectant mothers in Eugene can rest assured that everything will go smoothly during the delivery process. Unfortunately, birth injuries and wrongful death occur at even the best Oregon medical facilities. These are some of the most serious and heartbreaking medical mistakes, since they put the health and lives of both the expectant mother and her newborn in jeopardy.

A woman and her husband have recently filed a federal lawsuit over the stillbirth of their son. The woman was an inmate in a western Pennsylvania prison last year while she was pregnant. The three-count lawsuit filed against the prison’s medical provider alleges her civil rights were violated when the medical provider failed to provide appropriate care to her and her unborn child.

While the woman was an inmate at the prison, the lawsuit states she was punched in the stomach over a dispute with other inmates about a volleyball. Following the fight, she spent six days in the disciplinary unit. She repeatedly asked for medical help for her unborn child. However, the suit states her requests were ignored by the doctor on staff and six company nurses. Her son was stillborn on August 9th. The woman and her husband are seeking an unspecified amount of damages in the lawsuit.

All pregnant women and their unborn children deserve appropriate medical care. Doctor mistakes can be fatal or cause serious injuries and permanent disabilities. When medical facilities and hospitals fail to meet the appropriate standard of care while treating expectant mothers, it may be possible to file a lawsuit and recover compensation for medical expenses and pain and suffering.

Source: Trib Live, “Westmoreland County Prison’s medical provider sued over stillbirth,” Rich Cholodofsky, March 26, 2013
