Every day, breech babies are born to Oregon parents. It is common knowledge that a regular delivery of a breech baby poses significant risks to both mother and child. Cesarean sections are generally performed when babies are breech. It was in one of these cases that a mother scheduled a c-section for the delivery of her breech baby. A sad chain of events unfortunately caused her son to suffer from a serious birth injury during the delivery process.
Prior to her c-section date, the mother found information on OHSU Hospital’s website about its specialization in the vaginal delivery of breech babies. She consulted with OHSU doctors, canceled her planned c-section and checked into the hospital several days later.
The medical mistakes during the baby’s delivery sadly caused him to suffer from permanent disabilities and brain damage. After being born, the baby immediately started having seizures. It only took one day to diagnose him with a brain injury caused by lack of oxygen. The oxygen deprivation also resulted in cerebral palsy.
The family has since filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against OHSU, several doctors and other medical staff. In the suit, the family is seeking over $25 million in damages for the debilitating injuries caused to their son. The malpractice suit alleges OHSU doctors insisted on a vaginal birth despite the inherent dangers as complications arose. The claims in the lawsuit center around a new program at OHSU aimed at lowering the number of c-sections. If successful in their malpractice suit, the family will recover compensation for the tragic injuries suffered by their son during the birth process.
Source: The Oregonian, “OHSU faces $25.6 million malpractice lawsuit over vaginal delivery of breech baby,” Helen Jung, Sept. 24, 2013