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Family wins wrongful death lawsuit in lack of blood case


Going under the knife for a Eugene medical operation can be scary. One’s mind can be plagued with thoughts of things that can go wrong, such as wrong-site surgeries, nicked organs and unnecessary surgeries. Unfortunately, these occurrences are frequent enough to cause palpable concern, and, when a medical mistake does happen, it can be a fatal accident.

One family knows the harm caused by a surgical error all too well after a loving wife and mother of two was killed as the result of a botched surgery. The woman, who went in for a routine rectal surgery, had a history of bleeding problems. However, hospital staff failed to note that blood would be needed during the operation and doctors were heard screaming for blood during the operation. The woman was left in a coma as a result of the surgical mishap, and she deteriorated with severe brain damage. Her family eventually made the difficult decision to let her go. The family later filed a successful wrongful death lawsuit against the doctors who performed the surgery and the hospital where it took place.

The loss of a loved is devastating. A spouse may have to try to move on with life and raise children without a lover and confidant, children may have to grow up without a parent and the family may suffer without the income of a much needed wage earner. In an attempt to remedy some of these harms, surviving families of a lost loved one can file a wrongful death lawsuit.

Families that choose to file such a lawsuit can, with the help of an attorney, seek to reach a settlement with the medical professionals and the hospital that caused their loved one’s death. This strategy may prevent lengthy trials, reliving the accident and additional costs. However, if a settlement cannot be reached, then an Oregon wrongful death attorney can represent the family’s interests in court.

Succeeding at trial is dependent upon showing negligence. Negligence is established through a deviation from the acceptable standard of care and causation. If a case is won, a jury may choose to award the family compensation. Awards can help cover medical costs, the deceased’s lost wages and any pain and suffering felt by the deceased before passing.

Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult things to deal with in life. When the pain is overwhelming, a caring attorney can be a powerful ally in obtaining the compensation the family deserves, punishing the errant individuals and institutions responsible for the loss and moving on with their lives in remembrance of their loved one.

Source: WAVE 3 News, “Family Members React To $9 Million Award In Wrongful Death Lawsuit,” Connie Leonard, Oct. 18, 2013
