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Family loses loved one after hospital fails to perform tests


In order to provide adequate healthcare, all doctors, including those in Oregon, must consider many factors and perform many duties. These professionals should take into account a patient’s personal and familial medical history, perform in-depth examinations, make accurate diagnosis, and recommend and perform proper treatment. While this seems like a lot, doctors spend years cultivating the education and experience to perform these duties in an accurate, efficient and safe manner. Yet, sometimes mistakes happen, and when they do patients are put at serious risk of harm.

One family is well aware of the harm that can be caused by doctors after its father died from a heart attack. When the man started feeling chest pains, he called 911 and was taken to the hospital. Though a non-diagnostic stress test was performed, other needed tests were not performed. For two months, the victim sought to have tests conducted and to seek a second opinion, but none were given. Two months after his own brother died, the victim had a heart attack and passed away. The deceased’s surviving family is now suing the doctors and the hospital that refused to provide additional testing.

The loss of a loved one may be the most difficult thing a family can go through. To celebrate holidays, birthdays and major life events without that one can be emotionally painful and can last for a long time. In addition, a family often has to face the financial consequences of the medical mistake, which may include paying expensive medical bills and trying to pay living expenses without the lost loved one’s much needed income.

In an attempt to ease some of the pain and suffering and financial loss, a family can choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the doctors and hospital that caused the unexpected passing. An attorney can help the family try to establish the elements necessary to win a case, which include negligence and causation. Should the case be won, the family may recover the compensation they need to pay their bills and move past the accident.

Source: Courthouse News Service, “Family Blames Kaiser for Dad’s Death,” Barbara Wallace, Jan. 3, 2014
