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Lawsuits filed over doctor’s misdiagnosis of multiple sclerosis

Obtaining an accurate and timely diagnosis is critical to properly treating a medical condition. In some cases, like those involving cancer, an early and accurate diagnosis can increase survival rates and treatment efficiency. A wrong diagnosis can also leave an individual with additional, unnecessary harm caused by unneeded drugs and operations, which sometimes can result in death.

Five women have filed a lawsuit against a doctor claiming they were misdiagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The disease is one that attacks the nervous system and often leaves its victims disabled. The women claim they were required to purchase and take expensive multiple sclerosis medication, which may have had negative health effects, and they suffered emotional turmoil as a result of their diagnosis. The case has yet to go to trial.

A doctor’s failure to diagnose can cause a wide range of harms. Obviously, victims can suffer physical harm in the form of a worsened condition or damaging medication and surgeries. Victims can also suffer strong emotional distress caused by worrying about their diagnosis or about their true medical condition, once it is discovered. Additionally, victims of misdiagnosis or delayed treatment must incur extensive financial losses, usually related to medical expenses and lost wages.

The best way to recover these losses, and to hold medical professionals accountable for their negligence, is to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. These claims succeed if it can be shown that a doctor breached his or her duty of care to a patient and that breach caused the victim compensable injuries. An Oregon-based doctor can help medical malpractice victims assess their case and their likelihood of success. Then, if a case is brought, the attorney will do everything in his or her power to ensure a favorable outcome is reached through a settlement or a jury trial.

Source: The Journal Standard, “Five women join lawsuit against FHN, doctor claiming misdiagnoses,” Susan Vela, May 21, 2014
