In most instances, unless something major goes wrong, individuals who have a surgical operation leave the hospital feeling that the surgery went as intended. However, symptoms of a surgical error can take time to manifest. This time lapse can make it difficult for a patient to link their newfound pain to a prior doctor error. During a later medical examination, though, these individuals often discover the mistake.
This happened to a woman who discovered her uterus was not completely removed during a hysterectomy. The woman went in for the procedure in 2012, but started experiencing bleeding shortly thereafter. Her doctor told her it was normal and sent her home. A year later, the woman went to the emergency room with continued bleeding. Shortly thereafter it was discovered that her doctor had failed to remove the woman’s entire uterus, leaving her with cervical and uterine tissue that required additional significant medical treatment. She now seeks compensation for her damages.
No matter how much time passes between hospital negligence and a patient’s awareness of the injuries caused by the mishap, a medical malpractice victim may be able to file a lawsuit. By acting quickly, a victim assures that the statute of limitations will not run on his or her claim, thereby giving him or her a chance at recovering the compensation he or she needs to pay medical expenses, recoup lost wages, and ease pain and suffering.
Filing a medical malpractice lawsuit can be difficult. Applicable law and medical terminology can leave a victim feeling understandably befuddled. For this reason, it is often best for a victim to consider speaking with an Oregon legal professional. He or she may be able to help a victim better understand his or her scenario and legal standing, allowing him or her to make fully informed decisions in his or her best interests.
Source: The Louisiana Record, “Doctor being sued for allegedly leaving behind part of uterus during hysterectomy,” Kyle Barnett, June 19, 2014