Our society puts a lot of trust in doctors. Oregonians routinely go to them in order to have their symptoms diagnosed and properly treated. Though many patients are adequately treated and recover from their condition, or stop its progression, others sadly must suffer further harm due to doctor and hospital negligence. In these instances, victims should consider seeking compensation for their losses through a medical malpractice lawsuit.
One man did just that and was recently awarded more than $2 million. The lawsuit revolved around a doctor’s failure to treat a serious bacterial infection that eventually caused the man to have a hip replacement surgery. The infection is believed to have been caused by an injection related to an MRI the man received. Yet, a few days after receiving the injection, the man went to the hospital, but was quickly released without treatment, though tests showed the man had an infection. The victim returned to the hospital a few days later, but he had already suffered irreparable harm.
Compensation like that received in this case can be more than helpful. If a lawsuit is successful, then a victim may recover money to help him or her pay for losses such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. In addition to allowing the victim to afford additional treatment for his or her injuries, a successful lawsuit can help provide financial stability to allow a victim to focus on his or her recovery. It also holds errant medical professionals accountable, which might prompt them to implement additional safety measures to keep future patients safe.
Therefore, those who have been hurt by a negligent doctor or nurse should consider acting on their legal rights. By speaking with an experienced Eugene, Oregon attorney, these victims can become fully informed of their rights and learn the steps necessary to recover the compensation they deserve.
Source: The Journal News, “Nyack Hospital patient wins $2.3M lawsuit,” Jorge Fitz-Gibbon, Aug. 4, 2014