Oregon women should be aware that the presence of a lump is not always the initial sign of breast cancer, according to researchers in England. In fact, one out of every six women in the study who ended up being diagnosed with breast cancer originally consulted with a doctor because of some other symptom.
The study was conducted using the English National Audit of Cancer Diagnosis in Primary Care. The researchers used the data of 2,300 women who were diagnosed with breast cancer from 2009 to 2010.
The researchers also determined that women who experience breast cancer symptoms besides lumps tend to postpone seeking medical attention. The delay in seeing a doctor can put a woman at risk of a worse outcome by preventing the cancer from being caught early. The researchers cautioned that women should know that there are signs other than a lump that can indicate the presence of cancer. They also asserted that if a women has any concerns about any breast symptoms they may be experiencing, it is wise to quickly consult a doctor.
There were multiple breast cancer symptoms noted in the study. The presence of a lump was the most prevalent symptom at 83 percent. Nipple abnormalities, breast pain, breast skin abnormalities and breast ulceration were also noted. Breast infections and breast contour abnormalities accounted for less than 1 percent each. The researchers found that while only 7 percent of women with breast lump waited more than 90 days, the rates were higher for women with other symptoms and those with both lumps and other symptoms at 15 and 20 percent, respectively.
A delayed diagnosis of breast cancer can lead to a worsened condition and the spread of the disease. While in some cases it may be due to a woman not acting on symptoms promptly, in other cases it could be due to a failure of a doctor to perform the necessary exams. Such doctor error could constitute malpractice, and a woman who has been harmed as a result may want to meet with an attorney to see what recourse may be available.