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Full recovery from strokes not guaranteed for young patients


Some Oregon residents may believe that only older individuals are at risk for strokes. However, this is not the case. In fact, approximately 10 percent of strokes are suffered by those between the ages of 18 and 50. A recent Dutch study showed that one-third of those individuals were found to still be left suffering from loss of function and disability nine years after they suffered the stroke.

Even though it is less common for younger people to suffers strokes, doctors often do predict that the person will fully recover due to their young age. Once again, this may not actually be the case in every situation. The data collected for the study showed that, even in younger people, the severity of the stroke had an effect on whether or not person would regain functions. For example, the study showed that those who suffered more severe strokes were less likely to fully recover.

Additionally, the type of stroke that the person suffered could also affect the chances of a full recovery. Those who suffered a transient ischemic attach, which is a smaller stroke, were the most likely to fully recover. Approximately 11 percent of individuals were unable to complete everyday tasks as before. Approximately 15 percent of those who suffered a ischemic stroke were unable to be self-sufficient while 18 percent of those who suffered a stroke caused by brain bleeding were left disabled.

If a doctor fails to make a proper stroke diagnosis, the patient’s condition could worsen and leave them with a disability that they may not recover from. If the patient suffers serious harm as a result of delayed treatment, family members could file a medical malpractice claim against the negligent doctor. An attorney may assist with gathering evidence that includes expert witness testimony. In some cases, the family may recover the cost of the affected member’s medical bills and potential future medical costs related to the stroke.
