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Birth injuries: recent studies and incidents

There are endless perks to bringing a new life into the world, but many Oregon residents would agree that there are an equal number of stressors. All of the tasks to complete before a baby arrives ideally make the delivery itself a smoother one; however, not all mothers have such fortunate experiences. By learning more about birth injuries and by looking to examples of past incidents, families welcoming a little one into the world can better prepare for a situation involving medical malpractice.

Just weeks ago, parenting site Romper released an article that highlighted a recent study on one birth injury that could come with delayed side effects. According to the study, babies with brachial plexus birth injury have higher chances of developing psychological issues in their teenage years. These affects from BPBI — an injury in which the arms and hands suffer from nerve damage — were higher among teenage girls than boys. However, Romper points out that lower-income families saw higher rates of mental health issues as a result of BPBI than wealthier households. Although most children who experience a BPBI usually fully recover within a few months, some are left with permanent nerve damage.

Statesman Journal also spends time focusing on the topic of birth injuries, particularly cerebral palsy. Sharing the heartbreaking story of one family whose son suffered injuries in delivery, Statesman goes on to note that the hospital staff involved denied medical malpractice. When the hospital made the decision to deliver the baby via C-section, the baby inhaled meconium — a situation common among distressed infants. When the baby was born without the ability to breathe, the parents later discovered that he had suffered brain damage. Although the staff declined to comment on the incident, experts in the area stress that communication between mother and hospital staff can be crucial. Statesman Journal concludes by stating that, while in some cases the unexpected takes place, mothers generally have time to research hospitals to determine whether certain emergency equipment, experienced staff and other vital resources are available.
