Whether an expectant mother develops pregnancy complications or is a couple weeks overdue, sometimes labor and delivery need a little help. The drug Pitocin is commonly used in hospitals in Oregon and across the country to induce labor in mothers who are ready to give birth, but you should educate yourself on the potential risks an induced labor can involve.
Healthline explains that in most cases, an induced labor is safe for mother and baby and may be medically necessary. Studies have shown that inducing labor with Pitocin can reduce the risk of an emergency c-section. Your doctor may suggest inducing labor if you are more than two weeks past your due date or develop preeclampsia or another complication. However, it can help to be informed that a Pitocin-induced labor is no picnic – the synthetic hormone often kicks labor into high gear rather quickly, which can be a relief if you are more than ready to get the baby out. The risks of Pitocin may include fetal distress, infection, uterine rupture and even fetal death.
Your obstetrician should be knowledgeable about these risks and willing to discuss any concerns and worries you may have about being induced. It is wise to bring up the topic well in advance of any pregnancy complications and before you go into labor. The possibility of labor and delivery complications can be frightening, and the legal process is complex if something does go wrong; therefore, this information serves only to educate and should not replace the advice of a lawyer.