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A medical mistake, birth injuries and an uncertain future

From the moment most Oregon couples find out they will be parents, they begin to envision what the future holds. If this was you, you probably had visions of how your family life will change and how your child would grow. What you may not have envisioned is dealing with your child suffering birth injuries that shatter your visions and change your lives forever in a way you did not expect.

Unfortunately, medical mistakes occur far too often here in Oregon and elsewhere. Your obstetrician may have waited too long to perform a cesarean section, which caused your child to suffer from Erb’s palsy, brain damage or other medical conditions due to a lack of oxygen. Your doctor may have felt the use of forceps or a vacuum extractor was necessary during the delivery but used them incorrectly, which could also lead to brain damage, along with facial scarring and even death.

Mistakes by your obstetrician could cause a variety of other conditions as well. Your child could suffer from cerebral palsy, which usually results from a lack of oxygen and a lack of appropriate monitoring during labor and delivery. Other injuries include shoulder dystocia or a brachial plexus injury, which cause nerve damage that could limit the function of a limb, such as an arm for the rest of the child’s life. Some errors lead to a stillborn child as well.

Now you and your family face an uncertain future. Your child could survive these injuries but will need medical care and medical-related care for years to come. If you suspect your obstetrician made a mistake that led to your child suffering birth injuries, it would probably be worthwhile to determine whether you can file a medical malpractice claim in an attempt to secure monetary restitution that could help with your child’s current and future needs.
