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Breaking a pregnant woman’s water is not without risk

After spending months carrying a child, even pregnant women who enjoyed the process may be ready to deliver their babies. The problem is that labor could take some time, but there are ways to move things along and help a woman’s labor progress. One way that many obstetricians do this is by breaking a pregnant woman’s water. This may be effective in many cases, but it does come with some risks.

Once a woman’s water is broken, delivery must occur — the sooner the better — in order to avoid infection. Of course, there is no guarantee that labor will progress once the water is broken. Depending on the circumstances, it may be necessary to perform a cesarean section.

Breaking the water could result in the baby being in fetal distress. While this does not happen often, the potential remains. Mother and child need to be monitored closely in order to make sure this does not happen.

The cord could prolapse, or fall through the vagina ahead of the baby. It could cut off the baby’s oxygen and blood supply if it becomes compressed. If the baby’s head is not in the right position when the water is broken, it could result in birth complications.

Even though breaking a woman’s water is considered a routine procedure in order to help her labor progress, everyone needs to be aware of the dangers. An Oregon woman who finds herself in this position should feel free to ask questions prior to the procedure being done. If something does go wrong, it could be due to medical personnel’s failure to properly monitor the mother or make sure that the timing of the procedure is correct.
