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Forceps used during birth may cause injury

Physicians often resort to using forceps when a mother cannot push the baby through the birth canal on her own during a vaginal delivery. Numerous factors might cause this, such as maternal tiredness, unsettling fetal health, a protracted second stage of delivery, disease or infection, bleeding or medication preventing the mother from effectively pushing the baby out.

The majority of doctors agree that sometimes there is a chance of harm, but they may use forceps to help if there are other issues, such as fetal distress during labor and delivery. Forceps are virtually never used unless there is a way to conduct an emergency cesarean section surgery (C-section) within thirty minutes if forceps prove ineffective.

Types of injuries forceps use can cause

When forceps are used, both mother and infant may sustain injury. The mother may suffer painful cuts to the anal or vaginal areas. Mothers might also experience urinary or fecal incontinence, perineum discomfort, anemia, bladder damage or injury to the urethra. Mothers typically have a favorable prognosis for recovery. On the other hand, newborns are significantly more vulnerable to injury.

In infants, forceps can cause facial nerve damage or paralysis, fractures to the baby’s collarbone, and increase the risk of infection since they hold the side of the head close to the ears. Other possible injuries include bruising and swelling on the baby’s head, skull fractures, a painful dislocated shoulder, seizures and brain damage.

Traumatic injuries caused by forceps can have a big impact on the future of the child. Therefore, prospective parents should be aware of the possible hazards of forceps use to make an educated decision.

If you or your baby were harmed due to the use of forceps during childbirth, consider seeking assistance to file a claim. You may be able to seek compensation for lost income for one or both parents, future medical costs and care and medical expenses.

