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What are the common causes of fetal distress?

Welcoming a newborn should be a joyous occasion, but sometimes, things do not go as planned. During pregnancy or labor, the baby may show signs of fetal distress, which can make the process more difficult and stressful.

Several factors can contribute to fetal distress, and understanding these causes is crucial for parents who suspect something went wrong during their child’s delivery. Read on to get valuable information if you are considering legal action.

What causes fetal distress?

Fetal distress, also known as nonreassuring fetal status, is commonly caused by insufficient oxygen supply to the baby. Anything that may interrupt the flow of oxygen from the mother to the child may lead to this condition.

The children of those in late-term pregnancies are more at risk of experiencing fetal distress. If you develop blood pressure issues, such as preeclampsia, during your pregnancy, the child is also at risk.

Abnormally frequent contractions and low amniotic fluid may also cause fetal distress. These conditions may directly affect the umbilical cord, which can cut off oxygen supply to the fetus.

During labor, your doctor monitors the baby’s heart rate to ensure they have enough oxygen as they pass through the birth canal. The physician may use a device that displays the fetal heart rate at all times or have something that presents the heart rate at set times. This way, they can prevent a prolonged lack of oxygen for the fetus during the delivery.

This condition can have dangerous long-term impacts on the child, including cerebral palsy, brain injury or even stillbirth. If the child is in distress, the doctor should make every attempt to deliver your baby before any severe complications arise.

Protect your family’s rights

Understanding the causes of fetal distress can help you ask the right questions. While medical professionals work hard to provide the best care possible, mistakes can happen. If you believe your child suffered from preventable fetal distress, consider talking to a doctor who can establish the validity of your claim.
