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What happens when OB-GYNs fail to monitor fetal well-being?

Expectant parents trust their OB-GYN to monitor the health of both the parent and baby during pregnancy. When doctors fail to perform antepartum testing or adequately check fetal well-being, the consequences can be severe.

Such oversights can lead to medical malpractice claims if negligence causes harm.

The importance of antepartum testing

Antepartum testing evaluates the health of a baby before birth, especially during high-risk pregnancies. Tests like ultrasounds, non-stress tests, and biophysical profiles can identify potential complications such as oxygen deprivation or growth restrictions. When doctors neglect these tests, they risk missing signs of distress that could harm the baby.

Oregon medical malpractice laws require healthcare providers to meet a standard of care. Failing to order or conduct necessary tests may fall below this standard, making the doctor liable for damages if harm occurs.

Monitoring fetal well-being during pregnancy

Proper fetal monitoring involves assessing the baby’s growth, heart rate, and movements. OB-GYNs also review the parent’s health for conditions like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, which can impact the baby. When physicians overlook these critical assessments, they may fail to detect serious issues.

Oregon law allows parents to pursue claims if negligence harms the baby. For a successful case, the claimant must show that the doctor’s failure to monitor caused preventable injuries.

Steps to address concerns

If you suspect a failure to monitor during pregnancy, document your experiences and gather medical records. Consult with a qualified medical professional to assess whether the OB-GYN provided appropriate care. Timely action is essential, as Oregon’s statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases is generally two years from the date of the injury or discovery of negligence.

Protecting the future

Monitoring fetal well-being is a vital part of prenatal care. Ensuring that doctors meet their responsibilities during pregnancy helps safeguard the health of both parent and baby, providing families with the support they deserve.
